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High-Intensity Fitness Method Suitable For Young People

Mar. 15, 2019

1. High-intensity fitness method suitable for young people:

(1) warm-up phase: cycling Fitness Spinning Bike for five minutes, the speed should not be too fast.

(2) high intensity stage: ride for five minutes with 80% to 100% strength, then slow down and ride freely for five minutes, slow down and don't ride too fast.

(3) recovery stage: ride with 50% intensity for 10 minutes, and the cycling speed gradually slows down until stop.

(4) enhance the stage: young people can also selectively set up some difficult cycling environment. Such as by increasing the intensity of your workout by adding weight bags from Gym Accessories Manufacturer.

In general, under good conditions, do it at least three to five times a week for about 15 to 20 minutes. Before pedaling, might as well spend a few minutes first stretch arm, waist, back or activity knee and ham; Don't forget to do some gentle exercise after the ride.

Fitness Spinning Bike