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In Terms Of Health, Which Do You Prefer, Walking Or Running?

Mar. 29, 2019

Nowadays, daily exercise is nothing more than walking or running, or going to the gym.

Which exercise is good for health? Any exercise is good for your health.Commercial Strength Squipment Supplier would like to share it with you.

But when it comes to improving your health, it's always up for debate whether walking or running is better. So, what should we do before exercising? Which is better, walking or running? Which one is healthier?

The key to good results is what you want to achieve.

Weight loss effect:

Runners tend to be thinner than walkers, and runners tend to lose more weight.

Running is more effective than walking for people who want to lose weight. If you don't lose weight, there is no comparison between the two. The key is what you want to do.

Walking and running still have certain distinction to human body injury degree, for example pair of knee joint.

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Walking puts less stress on your knees than running. While 80 percent of runners are injured, walking is not as common.

From a knee injury point of view, walking is a sure win.

As a reminder, if you are obese, it is recommended to lose weight first.

The greater the weight, the greater the pressure on the joints. For obese people, whether they walk or run, the pressure on their joints is much greater. Therefore, it is recommended that the first overweight weight loss, go to the gym to do professional strength training with the help of Commercial Strength Equipment.

In our daily life, different activities have advantages and disadvantages for our bones. As long as you master the science of walking, it is not easy to cause wear and tear joints, but will bring benefits to the joints, may also relieve some of the symptoms of arthritis.

If you want to exercise but don't want to get hurt, take yourself seriously.

Warm - up activities must be well done before exercise, stretching joints, muscles and ligaments, to avoid acute injury.

Whether you're walking or jogging, keep your steps short. But pace faster and take more steps in a minute.

For people with knee injuries, it is best to choose a combination of walking and running, step by step, the amount gradually increased, time also gradually increased. You can choose to start by walking or jogging.

No matter what kind of exercise, as long as it is to make the body up, are good for the health of the body. Have you ever seen a healthy person who lies in bed all day? Choosing the right type of exercise for you can be beneficial.