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Exercise shoulder to look for Shoulder Press Machine

Apr. 30, 2019

Exercise shoulder to look for Shoulder Press Machine

It's really convenient to have a lot of exercise equipment for sitting down. Build upper limb muscle, cannot little shoulder ministry trainer.

Shoulder Press Machine is designed according to the track of shoulder pushing. This shoulder push is necessary to train the upper body muscles. One movement can trigger multiple muscles, mainly the deltoid and trapezius of the shoulder, as well as the triceps of the chest and arms.

The shoulder thruster of sitting position is a fixed single-function device like the chest thruster and leg lift machine. It does not need to spend too much energy to stabilize the trunk and concentrate more on muscle stimulation.

Shoulder Press Machine

Here we go. Let's do it

1. Sit on the training stool, adjust the seat height, and rest your back firmly on the stool. The body maintains the posture of chest, stomach, shoulders and jaw slightly adduction

2. Adjust the counterweight and select the right weight. Hold the handle, elbows 90 degrees, wrists straight.

3, shoulder deltoid force upward push handle (elbow joint slightly flexion, arms do not fully straight), fully feel the contraction of deltoid muscle.

4. After the completion of the movement, slowly lower the upper arm to the ground parallel or slightly lower, do not make the counterweight plates of the equipment collide

Breathe in and out, up and down. During the movement speed is not too fast, uniform speed can be. Fast very tired, slow and no effect, uniform speed practice just right.

According to their own ability to adapt to multiple groups of practice, do not try to be brave, let you can sit out the muscle fitness equipment - posture push shoulder machine.

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