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Treadmill entry practice method

Jul. 29, 2019

Commercial Treadmill is a kind of indoor fitness equipment that can do walking and running in situ. The running belt part of the treadmill has a good cushioning function, which can reduce the impact force generated during exercise. The speed and slope of the treadmill belt can be adjusted during practice. The treadmill also has handles that you can use for balance. Here's a look at some basic treadmill exercises.

1. How to get started with treadmill walking

For those who have never run a treadmill exercise beginners need some guidance, can let the beginners in a certain way to practice.

Before starting the Crawler treadmill, you can place your feet on either side of the belt and hold the handlebars with both hands. When the treadmill starts, let the exerciser step on one foot, then the other, and start walking. If the practitioner is unable to maintain balance, allow both hands to hold the handle, but not too tightly, while the forward foot should be forced to run backward. When the practitioner is able to maintain balance, he or she should be encouraged to remove both hands from the handle and swing both arms to maintain balance.

Touch screen commercial treadmill with WIFI CM-607

To get beginners off the handle, practice by following these steps:

(1) gently hold the hand;

(2) his fingers on the handle;

(3) one hand gently grasp the handle, the other arm naturally swing;

(4) the fingers of one hand to hold the handle, the other arm naturally swing;

(5) the hands completely away from the handle, natural arm swing. Practice in the middle of the belt, not too far back or to the sides, to avoid falling off the Light Commercial Treadmill.

2. Treadmill walking technique

When walking, maintain correct body posture to improve the effect of exercise, reduce the spine and back muscle load. The head and trunk of the practitioner should maintain a natural and upright posture, with chest out and stomach in, eyes level, and shoulders relaxed. From the side view, the ears, shoulders and hips should be in a straight line perpendicular to the ground.

To keep your hips relaxed, land on the outside of your heel first, then quickly transition to the inside of your heel, then to the ball of your foot, and finally to the ball of your foot off the ground. Do not overpronate or overpronate the soles of your feet, which may cause lower limb joint damage.

The arm swing should be coordinated with the leg motion, and the arm swing speed should be the same as the step frequency. When the left foot forward, the right arm forward swing; When the right foot forward step, left arm forward swing. When swinging your arms, relax your shoulders and keep your palms half closed. When walking fast, bend your elbow about 90 degrees, which makes the arm swing faster. When the arms swing forward and inwards, the hands should be close to chest height but not above the midline of the body. When swinging your arms back, your hands can approach hip height.

To increase your walking speed, increase your stride frequency, increase your stride length, or both, but there is no need to deliberately increase your stride length too much. When you walk more relaxed, you increase your stride.

Crawler treadmill

3. Treadmill running technique

When running on a Commercial Treadmill With TV, maintain a natural, upright posture with your head and torso, hold your chest high and stomach in, look straight at your eyes, and keep your shoulders relaxed. Proper running posture improves performance and reduces the load on the spine and lower back muscles. From the side, keep your ears, shoulders and hips in a straight line perpendicular to the ground.

For runners, the transition from the heel to the ball of the front foot is the safest way to land, reducing the reaction force on the lower limb joints. The outside of the heel should land first, then quickly transition to the inside of the heel, then to the ball of the front foot, and finally the ball of the front foot off the ground. The heel and ball of the front foot should be soft on the ground, just like rolling on the ground. This reduces unnecessary physical exertion and reduces the likelihood of injury. When the foot strikes the ground, the tremulous action of lower extremity joint is also wrong, easy to increase the impact force to lower extremity.

When swinging your arms, relax your shoulders, bend your elbows, and hold your palms half closed. The arm swing is usually centered around the shoulder joint. When the arms swing forward and inwards, the hands should be close to chest height but not above the midline of the body. When swinging your arms back, your hands can approach hip height.

To increase your running speed, increase your stride length, pace, or both. Stride length is associated with leg length, flexibility, strength, coordination and fatigue. When running, the foot should land directly below the body. If the stride is too long, the center of gravity of the practitioner will be increased, which will increase the reaction force on the lower limb joints and cause unnecessary braking effect, which will not only reduce the speed, but also increase the possibility of injury. Therefore, taking too long a stride is counterproductive. On the other hand, if you take too small a stride, you're wasting energy unnecessarily and slowing down. Therefore, the practitioner should practice according to the appropriate step length and step frequency. In this way, in order to improve the level of exercise, to achieve the best exercise results.

The above information is based on indoor fitness equipment Touch screen commercial treadmill basic training methods do simple information introduction, through the above information should have a great understanding of the treadmill basic training methods. If you want to know more about other aspects of indoor fitness equipment, you can visit our official website for detailed information.